To the world!,
I have something exciting I need to tell you all! I have cracked the code behind who "Tazzy Devil" from the Looney Tunes is really BASED ON! After watching many episodes of the Looney Tunes repeatedly for two weeks I finally figured out who the character is based on! Tazzy Devil is based on Tasmanian Devils themselves.
I worked this by realizing that everything that Tazzy was doing in the episodes seemed a bit too much related to a character in another movie I had seen when I was younger. This movie was "UP" and the character is Carl Fredrickson. I came to this conclusion as Tazzy Devil had similar characteristics to Carl such as angry/furious attitude, not a care about anyone around only about themselves and very short tempered. I then did some research and it turns out I am right! I knew something seemed a bit suspicious about this character!!
Hope this surprised you all and put a different perspective on what you thought of Tazzy Devil. It shocked me when I found out about it anyway, so that's why I shared it to YOU ALL!
Anonymous Blogger or Jamie Beckett :)
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